Wednesday, May 6, 2020

President Gerald Ford Essay - 1433 Words

President Gerald Ford Outline I. Introduction II. Early Life III. Presidency IV. Conclusion V. Bibliography Introduction Ford may not be the most important president during his time, but he did more than some presidents did for the people. One of them was raising their spirits and hopes for the people to the government. He helped people gain confidence in their president again after losing confidence with Nixon. He set new records and started getting the United States on its feet again after having a very hard time in the past. He started his presidency with an oath on August 9, 1974 which he said - Our long national nightmare is over (4, page 422) which started his†¦show more content†¦He joined the Navy and was discharged as lieutenant commander. He married Elizabeth Bloomer Warren and entered the Republican primary in Michigan during 1948. November, he was elected to the House of Representatives and was reelected every two years till 1973. In the House, he was know to be a moderately conservative, hardworking member of the Republican Party. In 1965, he was the Republican House leader.(1,page1) While in the House of Representatives, he announced: A Republican of the Presidents domestic policies...Its going to be rough going for him around here. Congress will write the laws, not the executive branch. (3, page 29) Presidency After Agnew resigned, Ford was then nominated as Vice President from the House of Representatives. About six months later, The Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign. Ford set records as the 1st president in history who had not been chosen in a national election as President or Vice-President. He soon pardoned Nixon for the crimes he might of commited during office. Ford wanted people to look ahead and stop worrying about Nixon and Watergate. As soon as he got in office, the country had an economic slump which had a recession combined with inflation causing a stagflation. 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